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The majority of the population is from the , while a large minority of have also played an influential role in the island's history. Ramanathan was elected the Mayor of Georgetown for two terms — 1958 and 1959 and was responsible for dynamic and innovative leadership of the City Council during his term of office. Colonial plantations were dismantled, industries were nationalised and a established.
Sri Lanka became a member of the in 1955. After being satisfied that conditions were conducive to raise a family in his place of work, he returned to Ceylon on leave to bring the wife down with a maid if possible, to assist in carrying out the chores in the home. He worked in Johore and later took up appointment as Assistant Engineer in the Public Works Department, Penang. The island is home to many cultures, languages and ethnicities.
Home - Alleged abuse of a newspaper editor by a senior government minister achieved international notoriety because of the unsolved murder of the editor's predecessor, , who had also been a critic of the government and had presaged his own death in a posthumously published article.
The Malaysian Ceylonese Congress MCC is a political party in Malaysia. Formed in 1958, the MCC was established as a political party with the aim of giving support to the community. MCC was the brainchild of the late Mr. W Navaratnam and was formed to promote and preserve the Political, Educational, Social and Cultural aspects of the Malaysians of Ceylonese origin, or Sri Lankan, descent. To da te,, six 6 presidents have held office since 1958. W Navaratnam 1958—1969 , Senator Tan Sri Dr. Sinnadurai 1970—1983 , Tan Sri Dato' Seri V. Jeyaratnam 1983—1987 , Dato Dr N. Arumugasamy Neurosurgeon 1988—1995 , Datuk Dr. Thuraiapah 1996—2003 and Dato' Dr NKS Tharmaseelan 2004—Present. The Vision and Mission of the MCC are as follows:- ¤ To uphold the supremacy of the Constitution of Malaysia and abide by the Rukun Negara. ¤ To promote and maintain inter-racial goodwill and harmony for a united and indivisible Malaysian nation. ¤ To strive for and promote the social and economic advancement and the national solidarity of people of all races in Malaysia. ¤ To safeguard and promote the political, economical, educational, social and cultural interests of Malaysian Ceylonese. ¤ To seek representation in both Houses of Parliament, State Legislative Assemblies and other bodies and to represent, express and give to the legitimate aspirations of the Malaysian Ceylonese. ¤ To encourage, develop co-operative activities and establish an educational foundation for the benefit of its members. Mahalingham, Secretary General Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Office Address : No. Tel No : 03-62582458 Fax : 03-22745181 Correspondence address : P. Box 1182, Jalan Pantai Bahru, 59700 Kuala Lumpur MCC Email : mcc malaysianceylonesecong ress.
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MCC was the brainchild of the late Mr. Retrieved 15 July 2014. His mission won over the monarch, who embraced the faith and propagated it throughout the. The government of swept to power in 1977, defeating the largely unpopular government. He has also served in prime Committees of the Ministry of Science, Malaysia and the State Government of Penang. The 19th-century Irish historian theorized thata city in southern Sri Lanka, was the ancient seaport of from which is said to have drawn, and other valuables.